Sunday, April 26, 2020

Off-road Pedals with spikes, side wedge and frontwedge

the pedal mod is a MUST if you want to ride in the forest ...

also check out my wedge mod from 2016

i recently made a modification to the already FANTASTIC pedals...
instead of adding a wedge on a flat pedal, i bend the front of the pedal !

1. the side wedges and spikes prevent you from sliding off in carving turns or in muddy riding as before 

2. now the front wedge goes up which means that you get the wedge benefit and can control the wheel with pressure in the toes (no need for powerpads)

as it goes up in the front it is now impossible to carve
and touch the ground with the pedal!

read more about the wedge: 

DIY magnetic goggles