Sunday, August 20, 2017

Gadget&ProtectionMods #02 - the Glove Mirror

I have done some experiments with different types of rearview mirrors. 
I started with a mirror in the palm of the glove
(using a flexible band around one finger and the bottom of the glove).
But it felt like that the turning of the hand when riding was a bit too much ... If you put the mirror on the outside of the glove, it is a more natural handmovement but it looks like you are drinking or looking closely at your watch every time you take a quick peak ;-)

so I went for a helmet mirror, the "Take A Look" mirror. The idea is soo simple and with a very cool design. But I ordered the "compact version", and sadly the mirror was to small to be of any real use:-(
Because I turn all the time (as a carving fanatic) there is a problem, to be able to see what I want to see, you have to ride straight forward :-)

my latest version is the best so far ... very simple add-on on the outside of the glove.

I always ride with hands in front of the body (natural skiing position and always prepared to roll or fall off because of cut-out or hidden pothole or other external events), so it is very easy to take a quick look ...

I will definitely use this mirror when I MonoSki next season is such an easy way to get controll of things behind you ... when I have a gut-feeling that something is there, I can now quickly verify the feeling without loosing focus on going forward!

mirror in the palm 

the mirror was actually attached in the bottom as well

gadget man... 

the Take A Look mirror has many degrees of freedom 
and can easily be turned in any direction

looks very cool...but too small if you are constantly carving

new version so far!

adjustable setting and a clip
(I added a screw to the clip so that it can not fall of)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

MONSTER Mod#1 -_Knee Control Cushion

My ridingstyle is based on powerful deep stance and using knees to control the machine.
It is very effective for riding fast and in forest.
It gives you much better control.
But you need to modify your machine to be able to really use this method...

below is some pictures from my knee-control cushion modification on my Monster.

I usually start with some foam material.
The package foam that comes with the machines are excellent!
then I use 3M double adhesive tape and Duct tape to get it right.
It is a lot of trail and error to get it adjusted to PERFECT!
But once you got it right you will never ride anything without it!!!

the picture shows how the knee can push intothe machine to control
it better and faster.
Hence the name "Knee-control cushion"

foam and duct tape ...ugly as hell !

adding more foam to the construction 

when the prototype of foam and duct tape is perfect, I try to find some old leather.
This part came from an old briefcase that somebody threw in the bin a year back. 

cutting pieces to fit over the prototype

drilling hole in the leather for joining them with leather band 

adding 3M double adhesive tape on the duct taped prototype

sewing the pieces together with thin black strong thread

bought some 3mm leatherband ...I usually go for Black
...but I went wild and crazy and went for red ;-)

sewing with the leather band need a big needle and a plyer to push / pull
 it through the double adhesive tape under the leather

ready... some may dislike the look
mainly it is for FUNCTION
but I also like to work with leather
on the last picture you can also see some other mods:
1. external 1000 lumen lamp (the external chargeable battery is inside the knee-control cushion)
2. elongated pedals with front wedge, side wedge and spikes 

3. external magnet for holding the pedals
4. inmotion v5 handle with black leather 

5. side reflective tape
6. back mudguard with external red led lamp underneath (the led stripe will be replaced next time I open the machine!) In sweden it is illegal to have any other colour than red in the back!!

Hope you got inspired!
modify it to get it perfect for you!

and if you have not tried a mod for some weeks
you can not pass any judgment on it because you have not tried it!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

MSuper_MOD#13_Lifting the shell

Why lifting the shell? get a bigger and better tyre on the machine!

I have tried about10 different tyres on my MSuper2 and MSuper3.

some of the tyres I have tried and rejected...

At last I found the ultimate tool for both forest riding, roots and stones and muddy trails, as well as gravel roads and sphalt...

the tyre is called DURO and I bought it from 

It is 2.75 and I did some trimming of the sides (cutting off some rubber with a knife). But most of all it is higher than the ordinary MSuper it gives you much more "suspension" and a more natural TRAIL-controll...

I just loved this tyre!

after tough riding in MUD!

BUT ...I had to lift the shell to give it space.

I have done it before, both on my ACM (the shell was too tight for my taste when riding in forest and when stones got caught in the tyre it scratched the inner plastic) ...and on my MSuper2 (the best shell ever!)

so let's start !

I first opened the machine on the LEFT side (the usual unscrewing of all shell screws and the screws holding the left shell to the pedal holders)
The left side is the side with no PCB so it is easier to change the tyre from this side, not having to be "careful" of hitting the card with your tools etc...

support the shell while changing the tyre

When the new tyre was on I turned the machine to the other side and opened the right shell

I decided to lift the shell a whole pinhole, so no need to drill new holes on the left shell.
But I recommend you to change the screws to 5mm torcs and replace the "piece of shit screws" on the original machine!
I also added some washers to get a bigger hold on the shell, and addded Loctite to keep the screws holding the baseshell to the pedal holders. Blue Loctite is a MUST for the screws not to come loose from vibrations

lifting the shell 1 whole up

changing screws to torcs and adding washers
AND Loctite Blue on the screws before screwong them on

Now you need to plug the whole for the axle. I used some rubber mat and added bathroom silicon to the edges

On the right side it is more problematic. you have to cut in the holder of the pcb!!!
Scary the first time I did it. Also buy some cooling pasta to add on the pieces when cut.
In the picture below you can see how I marked the cut where the axle has to have an opening. 

the part of the pcb that I had to cut off

I decided to add more aluminium (good for leading away the heat from the mosfets) and also to add a FAN!

But I did not want to use the existing card to power the fan. Instead I elongated the cable to exit the shell on top, and with a connector to an external battery that also serves to power my 1000 lumen lamp (it means that if I want to use the fan at night I will hook up another battery to the outside). The benefit of an external powered fan is that I can keep it running when I have shut down the machine...(It just seemed right at the I am not to sure it really makes any difference really)

extra aluminium on top of the mosfets (using cooling pasta on the metal-metal parts) 
and a small fan to the right under the aluminium to the right

Before screwing the shells back on I added silicon around the axle nut (as it is not tight from outside dirt because the pedal holders have an open design. you can also add some tape to both side of the upper part of the pedal holder to close this opening!)
I also added a string of silicon on the base shell. Then after screwing the shells back on (changed screws to torcs!) I added black silicon on the outside and smeared it out along the line between the shell and the base

Re-installing the Knee Control Cushion on you know I HIGHLY recommend this mod to be able to really controll the machine with the knees and to feel the machine better ...not only in the feet or ankles ...It changes the way you can control it in the forest!
After the lifting of the shell and with the knee control cushion, the MSuper3 has the same height as the Monster ...and I love it!

Monster and MSuper3 ...same height!

And by the way: 
I got a REALLY STUPID COMMENT from one rider, he said:
"if you can not control it as it is without modifications, then you are not a good rider" ...

 I HIGHLY  disagree to this attitude...

if you want to become a better rider you have to challenge yourself and try different solutions to optimize your machine. Everyone has their own style and should respect the innovations and development done by people who push the sport forward (like EUC Extreme, Joey Serrin etc...).
If you have not seriously tried the modifications I talk about, you do not have an informed opinion.
It is as simple as that