I am a fan of front wedge and side wedge since 2015
because of the slight inward tilting on the sherman-pedals there is actually no need for the side wedge
so I cut it !
I am a fan of front wedge and side wedge since 2015
the cooling of the sherman is front the openings below the card compartment with the flowing air touching the cooling aluminum ...but that does NOT work very well if you go slow, or uphill or when it is very hot outside
best is to have a fan the draws internal air out from the cardcompartment ...but this is second best ...riding slow but the fan creates and airflow as if you where riding ABOVE 20 km/h
it is a 12v paps fan that draws 9.6m³/h
this is how it works
the fan : EBM Papst 9591904100 Radialfläkt 1 st
also check out my fan on my Monster
>> https://eucmods.blogspot.com/2020/06/i-am-fan-boy.html