Wednesday, September 27, 2017

the "unibag"... the handbag wheel

Because of my arthrosis in my hipjoint I try a lot of different ways to NOT walking

Wheeling is really good for the joint 
and I am not missing walking at all 
...walking is boooring!

But inside the office and for the short 200-1000 meter walks it is a bit over the top to use the Monster
..that is why I experiment with new designs like "Raw" (will describe it in a later post), Lunicycle, Olaf scooter, and some other skateboard inventions...but also a modified Gotway m8

My quality requirements for the "bagwheel" is not focused on speed or direct control etc...
but on weight !!!...I will only ride it in walking speed but it must not weigh more than 6 kg

ride inside the office to fetch "thinking juice" (coffee) for mates at work
...riding backwards to meetings etc... 

my plan is to have it on the back while riding to work on my Monster ...that is the idea!

 enjoy...hope you get inspired to do modifications :-)