Friday, August 19, 2016

MSuper3 MOD#2 _the wedge

My updated pedal version is shown below
  (after almost 2 years of daily riding both in tough forest and in town)

I never MOVE the feet while riding, only lifting the heels when doing carving turns!

The real power comes from a stable feet position and using the core and the legs
(especially the knees wrapping... see my Riding Tips!)
it is definitely not for beginners only ... the picture shows 3 different wedges

the front wedge
as described in the pdf above, you will get you a perfect acceleration only from moving the toes! (note that most shoes goes up in the front!) 

the side wedge 
is for prevent slipping to the side when really riding hard in the forest or when it is wet (or icy!)
this wedge is inspired by a friend (Johan Grimm)

the middle wedge
the middle one is new for me ... it pushes the middle of the foot upwards sligtly
and you get an interesting feel of the pedal ... 
also my style of lifting the opposite heel when turning,
 is enhanced as the foot "rolls" on the rounded edge...

I do NOT recommend moving the feet around on the pedals
as it will not be a good habit when the path gets tricky and fast ...
the feet should be placed at the optimal postion (in the middle) from the start...

if you change the feet when riding and suddenly have to change again when having to deal with
 some roots or stones then there is a big chance you will be off balance
and NOT riding in an optimal way (can be dangerous for the joints!) or even fall off.
it is important for power to have a stable ground!

But if you like to do tricking, the pedals should be big and have no wedges or spikes as the feet often will take many different positions after spinning the wheel and jumping on and off the pedals

Otherwise I recommend to cut the pedals to the size of your shoes 
and make them adapted to your choosen "perfect position" (should be on the centre line of the wheel)

MSuper3 MOD#1 _ spikes & pedal pimping